Black Cat Weekly #66
On the science fiction end, we have a fun tale by the late British master Arthur Sellings, who has been too-long neglected. We hope to have more of his work in future issues. We also have strong stories from Murray Leinster and George O. Smith, plus another Jules de Grandin psychic detective yarn by Seabury Quinn, from the pages of the legendary pulp magazine Weird Tales.
Here’s this issue’s lineup:
Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure:
- “Tomato Rage,” by Albert Tucher [Michael Bracken Presents short story]
- “Tracking Time” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery]
- “Reunion,” by Katherine Fast [Barb Goffman Presents short story]v
- “Pass the Word Along,” by Frank Kane [short story]
- Sundog Loot, by W.C. Tuttlet [novel]
- “Sassenden’s Dream,” by David C. Smith [Cynthia Ward Presents short story]
- “The Cautious Invaders,” by Arthur Sellings [short story]
- “The Disciplinary Circuit,” by Murray Leinster [novella]
- “The Vengeance of India,” by Seabury Quinn [short story]
- Spacemen Lost, by George O. Smith [novel]